
Prime Day 2024: new record for Amazon, here’s how it went

As expected, given the well-declared expectations on the eve of the event, Amazon Prime Day 2024 concluded with record numbers, easily surpassing the results of all previous Prime Day shopping events over the years.

This has been confirmed by the U.S. company itself. Amazon has indeed defined Prime Day 2024 as the largest initiative of its kind ever, with record sales in terms of both the number of items sold and the revenue generated.

“Prime Day 2024 was a huge success. We thank the millions of Prime members around the world who turned to Amazon for great deals. Thanks to our employees, delivery partners, and sellers worldwide who helped bring this event to life” said Doug Herrington, CEO of Worldwide Amazon Stores.

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Although more comprehensive and structured statistics will likely be released in the coming days, it has already been stated today that independent sellers sold more than 200 million items during Prime Day 2024. This sales volume will evidently be added to those made on Amazon devices.

While awaiting the publication of a more detailed report on how Prime Day 2024 went, there are some data points from third-party sources that deserve to be highlighted. As such, they can share an initial quality assessment of Amazon’s commercial initiative:

  • according to Adobe Analytics, sales in the United States on July 16-17, 2024, rose to $14.2 billion. The increase compared to last year is 11%;
    smartphone sales grew by 18% year over year;
  • according to Numerator, the average order value was $57.97 (about 53 euros at the current exchange rate). In the previous event, the figure was $56.64.

From Rufus to Inspire

The top manager also commented on other evaluations of the event. He pointed out, for example, how Rufus, Amazon’s new AI-based conversational shopping assistant, helped millions of customers present Amazon’s vast selection more quickly and easily.

Satisfaction was also expressed for the performance of Amazon Inspire. Amazon’s in-app shopping experience offered its customers a way to discover products and make purchases seamlessly through:

  • personalized feed. A feed with photos and videos of products inspired by their interests opens up to the user. The customer can then choose from various reference categories;
  • relevant content. The presented videos and photos are short and dynamic, like on TikTok and Instagram Reels;
  • influencers and brands. Famous influencers and brands are involved within the platform, recommending products and creating exclusive content;
    simplified shopping. If the customer notices something they like, they can purchase it directly from the app without having to navigate to other pages.

Amazon Inspire is currently still in the testing phase for the U.S. market.

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