
Yoga articles: how to sell successfully on Amazon

For many years, the yoga market has been steadily growing, with millions of people across Europe successfully engaging in this discipline. Naturally, this widespread enthusiasm for yoga has led to a predictable increase in the sales of products and items related to this practice, creating an opportunity for all companies wishing to sell online on Amazon.

In this guide, we will aim to understand the key figures that can support the right enthusiasm about the business of selling yoga products and items, and how we can approach this with the right awareness and ambition to achieve a successful e-commerce project in yoga.

A few numbers: yoga statistics

With thousands of years of evolution, there is no doubt that Yoga is one of the most practised disciplines in the world due to its positive effects on body and mind. Considering its benefits, it is no surprise that yoga has been wholeheartedly embraced by people of all ethnicities and religions.

Although there are no official and unanimous statistics in this regard, the Global Yoga Market Report 2023 estimates that at least 300 million people worldwide practice yoga more or less frequently, generating a business turnover expected to rise to over $200 billion by 2025, with constant growth year after year.

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It is worth noting that the distribution of yoga practitioners by territory also significantly includes Europe, where the number is steadily growing. Of the 70 million yoga practitioners on the old Continent, the most represented countries are:

  • Germany: 12 million
  • France: 10 million
  • Italy: 6 million
  • United Kingdom: 5 million
  • Spain: 4 million.

Age demographics

Regarding the knowledge of the target audience, only one-fifth of yoga session participants are under 30 years old, confirming that this discipline is particularly chosen by those with a few more years under their belt. The age group between 30 and 39 years absorbs 23% of practitioners, that between 40 and 49 years 20%. The 50 to 59 age group also stands out, with 17%. Finally, a significant portion of over 60s make up 21% of the market share.


Nearly three-quarters of yoga practitioners are female, with a predominance across all major European markets. Outside the old Continent, statistics appear much more varied. In major Asian countries, for example, the trend favours men. Moving on to expenses, on average, yoga practitioners spend around €1,000 annually on lessons and necessary materials for attending training sessions.


In statistical terms, the frequency of yoga practice is very similar to general sports frequencies. 22% report practising yoga once a week. 31% do so two to four times. Only 6% practice yoga almost every day. A significant portion, 20%, practice it once or a few times a month.


It is also very interesting to note that most people who practice yoga have started relatively recently. 30% of those who follow this discipline have less than a year of experience. 44% have between 1 and 5 years. Furthermore, 17% have between 6 and 10 years. Only 9% have more than 10 years of experience.


Regarding the most frequently reported benefits by those who attend yoga, the top among general health benefits is the reduction of stress and increased mental concentration (86%). Significant percentages relate to:

  • Social sharing with their yoga community (79%)
  • Motivation for physical exercise (63%)
  • Improvement in sleep quality (59%)
  • Reduction of anxiety and depression (28%).

articoli yoga

When it comes to physical benefits, the main advantage cited is the reduction of inflammation (82%). Significant percentages also include:

  • Resolution or containment of back problems (80%)
  • Improvement in physical strength and endurance (77%)
  • Increased mobility and reduction of stiffness (74%).

Smaller but still notable percentages include those who claim to have achieved:

  • Reduction in heart problems (47%)
  • Reduction in drinking or smoking habits (37%).

Place of practice

Another interesting statistic to know for better targeting your yoga product offerings is the place where this discipline is practised. About 67% of yoga practitioners report preferring to practice this activity at home. A third of survey respondents prefer practising in a location outside their home, such as:

  • Gym
  • Specialised yoga studio
  • Another indoor or outdoor site.

Other data we find very interesting when approaching the sale of yoga items are those that help us understand the personal characteristics of those who practice this discipline. This allows us to discover some common distinctive traits that are quite useful for developing even more specific solutions.


For example, three-quarters of people who do yoga also engage in other physical activities or sports. Running (or jogging) and cycling are particularly often paired. Two-thirds of practitioners of this discipline also indicate a desire to do more yoga than they did the previous year, highlighting their ambition to engage more in an activity they find evidently useful and satisfying.

Finally, it is of interest to note that many yoga practitioners lead a relatively healthy lifestyle. For example, vegetarianism, which according to the latest Eurispes report affects about 10% of the European population, is much more common among yoga practitioners, with percentages often doubling depending on the international markets.

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The yoga practitioner profile

The above data allows us to identify a profile of the yoga practitioner and, in our case, the buyer persona on which we should build a marketing strategy.

With due caution, it is therefore fair to say that those who practice yoga in Europe are:

  • Generally female
  • Predominantly over 40
  • With an average monthly expenditure on yoga of €80
  • Practising yoga 2 to 3 times a week
  • With a medium-low level of experience (less than 5 years)
  • Very attentive to the psycho-physical benefits and able to accurately identify the benefits achieved
  • Willing to practice yoga anywhere, but with a growing preference for home
  • Often involved in other sports disciplines
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle and more adherent to vegetarianism.

With this understanding of the buyer persona in mind, we can then seek to devise a winning strategy for selling our yoga products!

The winning strategy for selling yoga products on Amazon

With the above introduction, we can proceed along the path that will allow us to sell our yoga products on Amazon with the right satisfaction.

For convenience, we have structured this ideal path into 5 steps.

Understanding the target audience

The first part of the journey that should lead you to successfully sell yoga items is linked to understanding the target audience. Who practices yoga in the market you are interested in? Who are the practitioners you want to reach? What are their needs and desires?

To answer these questions, it is essential to conduct accurate market research: only once you have completed your audience analysis can you develop a targeted marketing strategy.

However, a good starting point is certainly represented by what we have summarised above. Reread carefully the buyer persona profile we have outlined for you and update it based on the market you intend to operate in.

prodotti per lo yoga

Choosing the products to sell

Not all yoga products are the same, and when choosing which items to offer in your online store, it is essential to consider the needs of your target audience and their budget.

Anyway, the most popular and sold yoga products include at least the following.

Yoga mat

An essential accessory for practising yoga. From PVC to natural rubber, they are available in various sizes and thicknesses. Considering that yoga practitioners are very attentive to environmental sustainability and more eco-friendly practices, consider selling mats made from organic materials like cork;

Yoga blocks

These practical accessories can support the body in various positions. Suitable for both beginners and experts, they are generally made from EVA foam, wood, cork, and other raw materials;


Yoga cushions, or meditation cushions, provide comfortable support for meditation practice. From foam to grain, you will find a good range of alternatives on Amazon;


Yoga clothing should be light, breathable, and comfortable. Essential items are leggings, tank tops, t-shirts, and sweatshirts;


Yoga straps are elastic bands that help extend arms and legs, making some yoga positions more accessible. Nylon, cotton, and polyester are the most common materials;


The yoga wheel is also becoming increasingly popular in this discipline. It helps decompress the spine and open the chest. Various materials, from plastic to metal, are used to make them;


In addition to the products mentioned above, yoga items also include accessories such as bags, head supports, essential oils, incense, and much more!

>>> Read also how to predict the optimal amount of stock for your Amazon inventory

Creating your Amazon account

Once you understand your target audience and the items you intend to offer your potential customers, it’s time to create an Amazon account and start selling.

Given that we have discussed this topic many times in the past, we invite you to read the guides we have already prepared for a more comprehensive view of this subject.

Promoting your online store

Once your online store is created, it is also important to promote it to make your products known to the right target audience.

Besides the promotional tools that Amazon itself offers, you can improve the visibility of your items using social media, writing guest posts, participating in yoga events, advertising online on Google, and more!

Customer service care

One of the secrets to thriving in the competitive market of yoga items is to provide all your customers with excellent assistance before, during, and after the sale.

In a highly competitive sector like online yoga item sales, customer service will allow you to stand out from the competitors.

Customers who feel supported by good customer care are very likely to become loyal customers. Excellent customer service demonstrates that you care about your customers and want them to have the best experience possible with your brand. Furthermore, customer satisfaction can lead to positive reviews and word of mouth.

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Final tips

Remember that good customer service is useful for:

  • Increasing the conversion rate. Providing prompt and effective support can encourage customers to make one or more purchases;
  • Obtaining useful feedback to improve your offerings. Customer interaction through customer care is a crucial moment to obtain valuable feedback;
  • Resolving issues faster. Effective customer service can minimise the negative impact of your products’ and services’ problems, keeping customer satisfaction high;
  • Differentiating your offer from the competition. In a very competitive market like yoga items, high-level customer service can easily set you apart from competitors, becoming a decisive factor for many customers.

To make customer service increasingly excellent, it is also a good idea to involve staff who are experienced and passionate about yoga, as this allows them to respond to customers’ questions about yoga products more specifically and authentically.

Make sure to respond quickly to questions (ideally within 24 hours). Always offer a useful solution. Do not limit yourself to generic apologies, but always propose something advantageous for the customer, avoiding them feeling neglected or abandoned by you.

We hope this guide to selling yoga items on Amazon has been helpful. If you want to know more about other sectors, take a look at these guides:

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